
Here's a list of my published writing work, in addition to my experience in editing and writing tutoring.

I have edited articles for Tufts Observer, my university's oldest publication, and am currently a Writing Fellow at Tufts' Academic Resource Center where I work closely with students in assigned courses on their writing process, style, and organization. 

Tufts Observer, An Indistinct Recollection, October 2018

International Development Innovation Network, Four Ways to Enable Co-Creation, November 2017

Tufts Observer, Star Ferry, April 2017

The Development Set, I Looked Local in Beijing, But Felt Like A Walking Contradiction, December 2016

Impatient Optimists (Blog for Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in China), 95后自述|在美国支教是一种怎样的体验?(What is it like to teach in the U.S.?), August 2016

Impatient Optimists (Blog for Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in China), 盘点欧洲杯赛场上球技佳、颜值高、心肠好的六名球星 (Philanthropy from EuroCup 2016 celebrities), July 2016

Em Explores (personal blog), June 2014 - now